Monday, December 26, 2022

Joy of a Completed Puzzle: Antique Barn

It's been a while since I've put together a puzzle, maybe six months, possibly longer. The last one I did wound up missing a piece, which is always the shits, and usually puts me off puzzles for a bit; hence my going so long in-between puzzles.

I don't usually do puzzles that contain cutesy animals, but the ones on this particular puzzle were negated by all of the wonderful stuff that's been set out for sale.

This was a fun puzzle, thanks mostly to the subject matter, and all of the colors.

Here's a few more photos where you can see what's what a little better:

Sell sheet

Box cover
Puzzle Details:
Maker: Buffalo Games & Puzzles
Series: Country Life
Title: Antique Barn
Size: 1000 pieces
Price paid: $1


  1. I'd have a good time at that yard sale.

    1. Yeah, you'd just have to get there before the flippers.

  2. Congratulations on completing that puzzle. I can only imagine putting together something so epic as a 1,000 piece puzzle and discovering one piece was missing.

    1. I really dislike people who donate puzzles that they know are missing pieces. They're also usually the sort who won't think twice about donating f'd up videos and electronics that they know don't work.

  3. Nice puzzle. 500 pieces is the max I can do. Not a lot of patience. My wife works on puzzles nightly while I draw. We also have a cat, which loves sitting on the puzzles and every once in awhile, a puzzle piece will disappear...likely stuck to the cat.

    1. Do you draw every night? I started doing so again a few years ago, but have really slipped over the last year or so. And I don't have any pets, but I can remember when we had cats during my youth, that they would sometimes steal puzzle pieces and Scrabble tiles, and then we would find them in the strangest places, sometimes years later.


Catching up (and other random musings): Part 2

You'd never know it, but I had intended to send this post out into the world about a week after the last one. Obviously that didn't ...