Wednesday, December 28, 2022


I went out yesterday morning to feed the various wild things that get fed, and came across a curious site while doing so; that being a frozen stream coming from the shed downspout.
We've had plenty of cold and snow during the almost 8 years that I've been here, but this is the first time that this has happened.

It had gotten above freezing the day before for the first time since the storm rolled in last week, but got back down into the teens during the night, so I'm assuming that the stuff on the roof started to melt and then refroze; thus causing this neat effect.

You can sort of see too that there were actually two icicles/ice streams going all the way to the ground.

Anyway, I thought it was kind of neat, and am glad that I got to see it before it melted. 

Last night was supposedly the last time that we'll be under the freezing mark for at least the next week, and as I mentioned the other day, we're gonna be getting some 60's in a few days, with rain, so that'll be a lot nicer, even with the rain, than the -24° and snow that we had last week.


  1. Nice! We're supposed to get warmer here too, though not near 60.

    1. We ended up getting a couple of days in the mid 60's, which was very nice.

  2. Now these are two icicles I can deal with. When I was a kid, I was a little freaked out by them. Not sure if something traumatic happened, but I always thought they'd fall down and impale me. When I'd see them at the ski lodge or even at the store... I'd walk around them. Anyways... glad it'll be warming up for you. Although I hope all of the snow doesn't melt. It must be nice waking up to a blanket of snow across your backyard. It's so beautiful.

    1. Maybe your parents did what parents are supposed to do, and warned you from an early age about the very real dangers of icicles. The only thing I enjoy about snow covering the ground is being able to see all of the various animal tracks around. Had I been thinking, I would've included a few shots of those at the tail end of this post.

  3. I never associated Tennessee with snow, but there it is!

    1. I never did either before moving here. I don't think that they get much over on the western side of the state, but we see multiple days of snow each year where I am.


Catching up (and other random musings): Part 2

You'd never know it, but I had intended to send this post out into the world about a week after the last one. Obviously that didn't ...