Wednesday, April 19, 2023

To quote a bad song, it's been awhile

I hadn't intended to go so long between posts on here, but as the old saying goes, 💩 happens.

My blogging seems to be getting more manic with each passing year. I'm at a point now where there's a week or two where the desire to "write" is very high, during which time I'll usually be able to start, and finish, a post or two for each of my three blogs; then I hit a wall. Then it's basically just wait a month, then rinse and repeat. I'm not too keen on this schedule, but for the moment I don't see any way around it.

I don't know when it'll go live, but I'm starting this on April 15th. This morning feels like it's gonna be the start of my short blogging window, so I've got to hurry up and crank out a couple of posts if I want to make the most of it. Having not posted on here in what appears to be almost two months, I thought I'd do a "quick" (spoiler alert: I think I'll have to come back at the end and add another set of quotes to that quick) recap of what I've been up to during that time.

March was one of those months where it felt like it alternately flew by/took an eternity to end. The first half wasn't too bad, but man, the second half sure was the shits.

I'm pretty sure that I've never mentioned it on any of my blogs, but for what seems like decades now I've wanted to learn more about my family's origins. I mean I knew some stuff already, but I want to know everything, or at least everything that can be known. The problem is/has been, that genealogy isn't really something that you can just dip your toes into (at least in the beginning), it's one of those all-or-nothing kind of things, and I a). Didn't know where to start, and b). Didn't know where I'd find the time for it even if I did ever find out where to start. Thanks to a fellow blogger, I was able to find a starting point, and thanks to me being willing to sacrifice all other interests (blogs included) for a few weeks, I found my time.

It all started quite by happenstance when Mark Aubrey, who some of my card friends should already know, if not, he had Mark's Ephemera and Old Knoxville Base Ball, but now only runs the latter, mentioned FamilySearch.Org in his last post back in February. Admittedly, I hadn't looked into anything genealogy related for a few years now, so I was completely unaware that such a site existed. I knew of some of the pay sites, but didn't know that so many free ones had popped up. Of course, Mark is an elite level researcher, so if anyone is gonna know about such sites, it'd be him.

Anyway, this seems to have been the spark that was needed to light my proverbial fire. I spent at least an hour a day for the next few weeks trying to get as much (verifiable information) from that site as I could, which surprisingly, was actually quite a bit. Since I knew more about it, I started with my mom's side first. I knew next to nothing about my dad's side (more on that another time) and had some difficulty in even finding a thread to start with. Thankfully, my mom had some saved papers with just enough information to find said thread.

After a few weeks of Family Search, I decided that despite having read more than a few negative things about it over the years, that I'd do the two-week free trial on One of it's biggest knocks that I've read about in the past, and have since read more about, is all of the misinformation on their site. And even after just two weeks on there, I can confirm some of those reports. Apparently, fantasy trees are quite plentiful, and the way the site works, they seem to almost encourage people's laziness/delusions (even more so if you're a paying member). Mixed trees, half well-researched, by other people of course, and half bull-jive seem to be quite numerous as well. I even found one of those that had been created by one of my uncle's kids (she's got to be around 30 by now, but I haven't seen here since she was a baby). She clearly hasn't done any of her own research and is relying on some done by others, with the rest of tree being sourced by early dementia, drugs, or some combination of the two. It's pretty bad. But again, that's supposedly quite common on there. 

I've found a few more sites to try out since my free trial ended, and after taking a break for a couple of weeks (I was starting to get burned out), I'm about to do another free-trial on a different site. After that ends, I'll start playing around with a few more of the free ones. 

I knew where a few of the paths on my mom's side would lead, but have been surprised by a few others. Same for my dad's. I've been focusing mostly on direct ancestors, but have diverged a few times, which has led me to two great (with varying degrees of great's) uncles that have been somewhat prominent. I don't how many of the five people reading this care about such things, but I will be talking about those uncles at some later date, as well some of the other people that I've found, and the places that they came from. I have a few more early thoughts on genealogy in general, but this post is getting kind of long and I've got other topics to get to, so I think I'm gonna save those general thoughts for a follow-up post sometime next week.

Topic #2: It's now storm season here in the South, so we've been getting some days of booming thunderstorms, heavy rain, big winds, and just general chaos in surrounding areas/regions. Back around the middle of March we got three straight days of near torrential downpour, which was then followed by a day of sustained high wind, whose gusts were on par with those of a tropical storm. As is often the case high winds follow a couple of soggy days, some trees came down. Four trees to be exact. All stupid large, and all in the back yard. These have been occupying a lot of my free outside time since.

Topic #2 1/2: A few weeks ago, I guess just a little over three to be exact, I sustained my first semi-big injury of the year when I smashed my index finger while dicking around with those downed trees. Seeing as how a Rube Goldberg chain of events proceeded the smashing, I don't think that I could properly explain how it happened exactly, but the end result was a log dropping cut-edge first about halfway across my fingernail and forcing the underside of my finger into the cut edge of another piece. 

I knew it was bad the second after the wave of pain shot to my brain. I was wearing leather gloves, but that didn't lessen the force any. I had my glove off in seconds, and by then blood was already running out from around my nail. I didn't know what to do first, puke or pass out. Thankfully neither came to fruition, but I did come awfully close to passing out. I've developed a weird fear of seeing blood, more specifically my blood, as I've gotten older, and subsequently tend to overreact if any of my blood is shed. Although, in this instance it was a lot of blood, so I feel like I was somewhat justified in feeling faint and pukey. 

I'm very grateful that my mom was around to help dress the wound (stuff like this doesn't bother her), and she was the one who, two days later when it was still bleeding (not as bad, but still leaking more than it should've been every time the bandage was changed), decided to have me dip my finger tip in a cup of witch hazel, which was ultimately what finally got it to stop. I was, and still am fairly certain, that I've got a small fracture near the end of the bone. But, aside from not smashing it again, there's nothing I can really do about that. It still looks pretty gross after three weeks, but at least some of the swelling has started to go down, and it's finally becoming functional again. And the best part, it doesn't look like my nail will be coming off. No lie, I was more worried about that than the possibility of having broke my finger. I don't know how the nail didn't crack where the log edge hit, but it not cracking is probably what saved my nail.

I broke a few fingers during my younger years, but as far as smashing them goes, I thought the worst time had been last summer when I hit my thumb with the back of a hatchet, but this was considerably worse. I hope for my sake that I don't ever have to top it.

Topic #3: I mentioned my depression in the previous post, and you'd think with all of these other distractions going on, that maybe it would have lessened some; but it hasn't. I am in a colossal funk. I think I do know now part of what's brought this on, but have yet to figure out how to use this knowledge in a beneficial sort of way.

Topic #4: Most people would probably agree that it wouldn't be a good idea to start a fourth blog when you can't even keep up with the three that you already have, and yet, I had an idea for one, and am now thinking about doing so. On the flip side though, I've also been thinking about taking an extended (or permanent) break from blogging. Will either extreme come to pass? Who knows. The new blog will not likely be of any interest to the few folks who are reading this, so I probably wouldn't even bother mentioning it's creation were it to happen. I would, however, let people know if I decided to leave. I don't want to be one of those people who just disappears. That's not cool.

Topic #5: I have never had a real vacation before and had been planning on rectifying that by going to Florida sometime this year, but am now starting to rethink that plan. Thanks to all of the selling that I've done on eBay over the last year or so, I do have the money for it, I'm just not sure if this is the wisest way to spend it anymore. With the economy being what it is, and with it not showing any signs of improving, I just don't know if this the best time to be spending that kind of money. The thought of saving it doesn't sound like a lot of fun, but does seem more prudent; just in case. 

I also realize that this could potentially be the only vacation that I ever have, so if I am gonna do it maybe I should try and go somewhere more exotic, so to speak. The problem with that is though, there's only three places that I'd like to go (that wouldn't be ruined by being around other tourists), but all three would require me getting onto a plane, which I'm not too keen on, and flying across the Atlantic, which I'm even less keen on. 

On the other hand, just once in my life I'd like to visit a warm beach, with warm water. Such places don't exist back in Oregon. Beaches there are cold and damp for most of the year, and the water is never warm. And you know who has warm beaches, with warm water? Florida!

I don't know though, seems like the older I get, the harder it is for me make decisions. I always thought that it would be the other way around, so maybe this is just a me thing. Either way, it really sucks. I miss the days when I didn't have to bother even entertaining such thoughts.


  1. Wow. Quite the journey you've been on. Good luck with the geneaology research. My tree is fairly small - both my parents came from Hungary and only have one sibling. Hope your finger feels better. Hope your depression gets better. That's a tough one. We're rooting for you. Not sure about starting another blog, but if you do, please share. I still wonder when Google will just shut down Blogspot one day. We probably all have other interests and you never know. It's definitely hard to blog when the technology is changing. I still wonder when Google will just shut down Blogspot one day. Take a vacation - a real vacation. Nothing better than sitting on a beach and reading and watching the water. Very healthy. We just got back from St. Augustine. Great place and definitely check out the Alligator Farm. It's not a tourist trap with a pen with three gators. It has hundreds. Big ones, little ones, boardwalks that go through their swamp - and even a zipline. You won't catch me on it. :-P

    1. Hungary? That's pretty interesting. People in prior generations tended to have a lot more children, so if there are any records available, your canopy might start expanding some if you're able to go back further than say your grandparents.

      Thanks for the well wishes.

      I have no doubt that they will shut it down at some point. I can't imagine that it's making them much money at this point, but it must be making some, otherwise we probably wouldn't be having this exchange on here right now.

      Funny that you mention that, St. Augustine is where I was planning to go. And the alligator farm was one of the places that I was gonna hit up while there. Though, I don't think I'd be one for the zipline either.

  2. A. Can't wait to read about those uncles.

    B. Hope the finger heals soon and you don't have to spend too much more time clearing trees in your backyard.

    C. Very sorry to hear about being depressed. I've only dealt with it once and it took talking to someone and time to move beyond it. I hope you find a way past this funk sooner... than later.

    D. Hope you don't stop writing... but if you did... I'm glad you'd let us know.

    E. I sure hope you're able to go on that vacation... wherever you decide is the right place.

    1. A. You might be the only one.

      B. Me too! Seems like large trees coming down before summer is becoming a yearly tradition.

      C. Time usually seems to be cure, at least temporarily, but I don't know, this time it feels a bit different.

      D. It's not even that I really want to stop blogging, it's just that I am having such a difficult time keeping up with everyone else's posts right now, and I don't want to be one of those people who just shows up occasionally to drop a random post, without ever reading (or commenting) anyone else's stuff.

      E. I feel like I really need it.

  3. Glad you are getting some good genealogy information. My parents were both first-generation Americans, so there is not much of a US family tree, and information in Europe is limited.

    Looks like you're a day's drive from some nice beaches, may not take going all the way to Florida.

    Hope everything else improves/stays well for you. Personally, I enjoy what you write even if it's a topic I'm not previously familiar with.

    1. Depending on where they're from, there may be more out there than you think. It seems like certain countries have pretty expansive records available online, while others have next to none.

      Yeah, but there's a couple of places that I really wanted to go to in Florida, namely the one lighthouse/maritime museum.

      Thanks, not being a natural writer in the least, I feel fortunate that anyone ever even comes around to read what I put out.

  4. Wow what a wonderful post, a bit of a read but very interesting.

    3 Blogs. Yep I do that I have 3 blogs the first one is just a general personal blog that I post whatever I feel like posting about, the other two are trading card related. 1 just my card collection in general and collecting the other is specific for Washington DC Baseball. I have a personal posting quota, goal of posting at the very least a minimum of 1 post per month for each blog. Many months I wait until the last day of the month or more often the day before so I can get the post "published" before 11:59 PM on the final day of the month. I don't like looking at my blog archives and seeing a blank month were I didn't blog anything.

    Genealogy is a fascinating subject. It helps if you are a history buff as well. I will have to look into that Family Search site. I don't like or trust the sites like Ancestry dot com for the reasons that you mentioned. I am tired of misinformation being shoved down our throats by the mainstream legacy media as is. I don't want a genealogy site giving me false information. I prefer the free search/research sites. I know a little bit about my family history. For both sides of my family we can trace back to at least the early American Colonies and where our families came from to get there. Both sides I think we have traced back to around the 1600s or 1500s maybe. For my mother's side of the family I have a copy of a Family book that was professionally published for the clan back in the late 1960s or early 1970s when I was just a wee thing. I reference it on occasion but I have never read it cover to cover. Maybe I will some day. My dad's side of the family we know a lot about the family history but don't have a family "bible" like I do for my mom's side.

    1. Yeah, it started to get away from me a bit. Thanks for sticking it out though :)

      Ideally, I'd love to combine everything into one blog, but trading cards are what most people seem to want, so I don't know how keen they'd be on me only doing a card post like every 7-8 posts. Plus too, I don't know if I could keep such a blog on the various card blogrolls that it's currently on, which is probably where most of my traffic comes from.

      Family Search and Ancestry are both run by the LDS, but for some reason, the free site, Family Search, seems to actually be the better of the two. Given your interest, I'll mention a few more that I've found in the next post. And I hear you on false information that's always being spoon-fed to us; I would have to imagine that most folks are pretty tired of it by now. I was gonna mention the books in the next post too. Knowing your last name, it doesn't surprise me in the least that you're one of the names to have a book out there. I am a bit surprised that one book was able to cover everyone though (up to that point of course). With you being able to trace folks back so far, I would have to think that you've had some interesting ancestors too. If you were so inclined to share, that might be a topic worth covering on Kirk's Knook.

  5. 1) Genealogy is fascinating and like you I would probably delve into it more if I had the time. Fortunately I have uncles on both parents side that have done a lot of research themselves, so I've learned much just from them
    2) Ouch! Glad you're OK but that sounds painful!
    3) I have many close people in my life that also suffer from depression, so I see those funks often. Take care of yourself, and know you're never alone when you need support.
    4) You're a talented writer, so I hope you keep writing in some capacity, regardless of how often it may be or on which blog.
    5) I think a trip to Florida is definitely in order, but if the economy concerns you, it couldn't hurt to save up a little more just so you can have both bases covered. I've gone to Florida numerous times for Spring Training. I will recommend going in the Spring rather than the Summer. The weather is not nearly as humid.

    1. 1. It is quite time consuming. And that is quite fortunate; good on them for taking that on. It certainly makes things easier for any other interested parties.

      2. Thanks, it was.

      3. That doesn't sound like much fun for you, especially if you're the only one immune to it. I guess if there's one good thing about my situation, it's that I don't have to be around any other depressed people.

      4. You must've had a few cocktails before writing that first part :)

      5. I'm thinking that that might be the way to go. And depending on how things go, I could still make it there this year, it'll just be in the early Fall as opposed to the Spring that I had been planning on. At least it'll still be pretty warm there in the early Fall.


Catching up (and other random musings): Part 2

You'd never know it, but I had intended to send this post out into the world about a week after the last one. Obviously that didn't ...